Is it really possiblw to trade away 100% privacy and obtain 100% security?

2013-06-08 12:37 am
Obama said we can't have both 100% privacy AND 100% security. Even if we sacrifice 100% of our privacy can we even get 100% security?

What ever happened to *Probable Cause?"

回答 (6)

2013-06-08 12:41 am
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I'd rather have privacy.

I'll take care of my own security myself. You can never get security to 100%. Ever.
2013-06-08 2:10 am
Short answer......NO

NOTHING can be 100% secure or private

Someone once said...."He who gives up his freedoms for security.....deserves neither"
2013-06-08 12:44 am
I prefer the founding fathers who said if we trade liberties for temporary security then we have nor do we deserve either. According to the president this has been going on for a while but just now has been leaked. If his argument is taken seriously ( which I do not ) then he says we need this to remain safe. Uhhhhh, well Boston happened? What is his argument now. It is just another lie from Obama and we are the ones he is spying on, not our enemies. Just look at who the administration says is a domestic terrorist. The list sounds like to me it is freedom loving Americans. lol just sit back America and lose everything to this socialist communist, dictator. Congress apparently agrees with him, or so he says.
2013-06-08 12:41 am
I don't believe it could ever happen.
2013-06-08 12:56 am
No one has said that could happen.

I'll bet that you don't like this program, since it goes back to Bush's
second term.

What do you have against that poor man? He has a very cheerful
personality, you know.
2013-06-08 12:41 am
He was being honest and saying if everyone has complete privacy there could always be someone that could be a danger to your security who isnt being investigated because of his 100% right to privacy.

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