Is it possible to get more than one credit card from the same bank or Credit Company?

2013-06-07 7:06 pm

回答 (4)

2013-06-07 8:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sure, if your first account is in good order. Sometimes people will get both a VISA and a MasterCard from the same bank, each with its own benefits.

Still, I would avoid doing so. If you want to have a second card (not a bad idea if you want one as back-up), I'd go to another bank for it. If there's trouble with the first bank, you will always have the card from the second bank.
2013-06-08 4:37 am
Sure, you can get as many cards with one bank as your credit allows. However, why would you want multiple cards with the same bank? Much smarter to get cards with different banks. That way if terms change, you are not stuck.
參考: BD
2013-06-08 3:15 am
yes possible
2013-06-08 10:26 am
yea have 2 capone cards

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