Buying, Fixing, and Re-selling houses?

2013-06-07 9:44 am
This is what i want to do when i get out of college, but i'm unsure about details. What would my position be called? And any ideas what course i should look for in college? How do i go about starting this? Any help would be great. Thanks!

Anyone? Anyone at all? lol

回答 (3)

2013-06-07 2:05 pm
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On order to be a successful real estate investor you would need to

#1 Find the local real estate investment group (Google real estate investment group followed by your city and state.)

This group would hold regular scheduled meetings that would offer information about real estate investing, how to purchase investment properties, vendors available in your city that would benefit you in you investment purchases.

To join this type investment group is not expensive, there would be annual dues and probably fees to attend the meetings whenever they are scheduled. (Normally these fees are for the cost of food)

You would have the opportunity to network and make friends with those that are current members. You might even find a person that is willing to take you under their wings and become a mentor to you.

#2. Buy and read as many real estate investment books as you are able. You would be able to find such books from Amazon as well as your local bookstore. Make sure these books are published after or around 2009 for the latest techniques used today in real estate investing.

The books you would be seeking are 1. Buying and flipping 2. Wholesaling of investment properties 3.Buying and holding investment properties. 4. Buying distressed properties such as divorced, probate and foreclosures from homeowners. 5. Short sale properties. 6. Buying Real Estate on Hand (REO) from mortgage lenders

There are many phases of real estate investing.

#1. Buying
A. Flipping for additional funds to purchase more properties
B. Holding for rentals and tax benefits

#2. Wholesaling properties-This is where you would buy a property well below market value. Instead of you doing the repairs, you would sell the property to another investor at a higher price than you paid and this investor would do the repairs. Normally the profit would not be less than $5,000 to you. You might also consider wholesaling if you have more projects than you ar abel to handle at anyone period of time.

While in college you would want to see if there are any real estate courses available, if there are you might consider taking a few as elective courses, as you did not indicate your major.

There is more to learn than I am able to go over here, you would need to obtain much information from reading the various books and from members of your investment group.

I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck.

2016-08-11 7:27 pm
Vicinity, area, location, and research, research, study, ok that is the simple reply, but certainly, you need to get right into a trade where most commencing real property traders and "flippers" wish to be in, does it work? Off direction it does, why? For the reason that if and while you purchase property with the "proper" matters unsuitable, you repair it, you have got added price to the property and it'll be worth more, now not invariably to make a giant profit, but often ample to make it worth your whilst. So the obvious question then is, what are the correct matters, well that is the magic query. The answer is extra problematic, it is going to depend on what's unsuitable, and what it is that you simply and or your community of trades people can add to the properies value in an effort to follow a very simple important. For those who do any fixing of the property, you have got to seem for a return of $ three.00 for every $1.00 invested, if this is not feasible, do not invest the cash, vigour or time. Buy this booklet, " the milionaire real property Investor, through Gary Keller, it'll educate you to detemine how you can excellent run your enterprise of becoming an actual estate investor, it'll not coach you something about fixing residences, but with the knowledge you will be equipped to verify how the in finding, choose them and deal with them both purchase, repair sell purchase fix preserve and or purchase add too and both promote or hold There are whole librabries written about investing in real property, the first-rate suggest i can give is to surround yourself with a likeminded network of allied resources and meet on a usual base with each and every of them and discuss your plans suggestions and development. Who are on your network A mortgage broker, lawyer general Contractor, building Inspector, insurance educated, Accountant, Realtor who ever else you believe is main to your success investors, partners The loved ones Be definite the relaxation of the direct loved ones is in tune with what your plans are,as their support will probably be primary to your longterm wellness and success (in the end it is not in regards to the money, but in regards to the trip and well you lived it) excellent success
2013-06-11 2:16 am
I think the first answer is excellent. I would like to add, if you are serious about this then take the course and pass the tests to become a real estate agent. Now you don't have to pay commissions on your half of your purchases but more importantly you have access to really good data on what everything is worth and who might be selling at a great price. There is a fairly large costs to having a license but you should make it up from commissions of one purchase, per year.

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