Does taking college classes raise your high school GPA?

2013-06-07 12:25 am
My high school doesn't offer AP classes (which I know raise your GPA a lot), but I can take college classes. Do college classes raise your GPA in any way?

回答 (6)

2013-06-07 12:53 am
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High schools vary in their policies, at my son's high school, college classes were not included in the GPA at all, but the transcript was attached to the high school transcript and sent to colleges. College classes were taken to advance into higher level classes, which is why we have a bunch of 9th graders in AP Calc AB and BC. The high school would give the student the previous level final as a placement test at the beginning of the year, and if the student got an A on it, and had final grade A in the college class, then the student could take the next level class at high school. Some schools put the college class into their students' GPA, but whether they are weighted or not I don't know.

Colleges look at unweighted GPA and then check the AP test score to make sure it correlates to the grade. An A in an AP class with a 2 on the AP test means it wasn't a legit AP class, and that is taken into consideration. They have to look at unweighted GPA because too many schools use ridiculous weighting, grade inflation, it should be only .3 maximum, so a maximum of 4.3 GPA no matter how many AP's. Some schools weight up to 6.0! Yikes. So even if your school doesn't weight for college classes, it looks good to the colleges you're applying to that you took college classes, as long as you get good grades.

Good luck!
2013-06-07 12:41 am

Colleges/universities do not recognize GPAs weighted by honors or AP or college classes.

While college admissions departments can recognize that you took harder classes (or college classes in a dual enrollment program), all they care about is your unweighted GPA.
2013-06-07 12:27 am
only if your school allows for the combining of the transcripts. it would be best to ask your school counselor at both the high school and the college.
2016-08-11 4:26 pm
I've a few levels and have located school to be much easier than high college and grad tuition less difficult than institution. Whilst it's proper that the lessons develop more and more extra tricky the further you go in you schooling you also ought to don't forget that the additional you go the more specific you matter of learn will probably be. It is so much easier to center of attention on 5 specialized courses on the same content in tuition than on 12 or so random classes in high institution. Similarly in tuition the majority of the work is paper established versus the checking out layout of excessive institution. If what your trainer desires you mostly already be aware of your grade before you hand on your work. However like anything else, your outcomes can be reflective of the amount of effort you put into your work. The bottom line is setting up good learn habits, and finding out what works for you; the way you study first-rate.
2013-06-07 3:25 am
no they dont
2013-06-07 12:32 am
It depends. put it this way, say if you take the regular class you score an overall average of 95 because its easy. but if you take the harder class you score overall average of 85 because it harder but even though since the class is college and weighted your weighted grade only bumps up to 93, so it's lower than what you would have gotten in the easy class. and colleges don't look at weighted GPA so they would read 85. But they do see you took the harder class. Weighted GPA is really only for class rank. It depends, In my experience my GPA was lower than it could have been, but more impressive to colleges since I challenged myself, idk if that made sense .

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