live your life

2013-06-07 4:10 am
what does "live your life" this sentence means?with example pls.

回答 (4)

2013-06-07 4:34 am
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'live your life' = 活出你自己
參考: me
2013-06-07 6:53 pm
"Live your life" means to do things that meet your intentions and avoid those that don't, such that you can fulfill your life and appear like a special person.

Example: Kit is determined to make people smarter and increase their competence. In order to live his life, he has become a lecturer and tutor in a university.

2013-06-09 23:38:10 補充:

2013-06-07 12:33 pm
what does "live your life" this sentence means?with example pls.
live your life <beyond your income> ............... 入不敷出.
2013-06-07 12:02 pm
What does "live your life" this sentence means? with example pls.
It means to enjoy your life intensely.享受你的人生。
e.g. I want to live, she said ' I don't want to spend my days cooking and cleaning and looking after babies.' "我要享受人生," 她說,"我不把我的日子花費在燒飯,清洗和照顧孩子上."
參考: 根據香港牛津大學出版社的現代高級英漢雙解辭典1975

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