Do baked beans provided in school canteens contain sugar?

2013-06-05 7:53 pm
i'm apparently on a low-fructose diet... just to ask if baked beans, provided in school canteens do they usually contain fructose or high fructose corn syrup? i really like them but i just cant help worrying about if there is any hidden high sugar content... thanks alot:D

回答 (5)

2013-06-05 8:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Most baked beans do contain a lot of sugar. This comes from the sauce which is usually made of barbecue sauce, brown sugar, molasses, ketchup, vinegar, and dried herbs. Nearly every school serves canned baked beans rather than making them from scratch. It would be a very good idea to stay away from them if you are on a low fructose diet. Baked beans would not be something you should eat in order to follow this diet plan.
2013-06-05 8:34 pm
Ask the cook!! you won't ever know and neither will we because some schools serve just plain baked beans from can which are just canned with water and salt.
Some baked bean cans like Bush's that's kind of creamy and served with BBQ food definitely has sugar, or some sort of fructose or sucrose in it. Usually you can tell if it does. But when it tastes plain, they most likely don't contain it.
But to make sure, ask. That's what people have to do at restaurants to make sure.
參考: culinary degree
2014-11-13 9:50 am
extremely tough step. browse onto google or bing. this could help!
2013-06-07 11:00 am
ask the cook
but as said the sugar is in the sauce not the bean
2013-06-05 7:56 pm
Unless it states that their beans are sugar free, they are most likely normal baked beans,
which contain around 4 teaspoonfuls of sugar per large can
參考: UK

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