ing and noun eng

2013-06-06 1:25 am
what is the difference and how to use the following?

1. after my graduation,
2. after my graduating,

what does the following sentence mean? I'm so surprised you wanted to come. These tickets were pretty expensive. I didn't think you were into these sorts of things. why use "didn't think you were into "? is it a phase? what does it mean?

回答 (3)

2013-06-06 4:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. after my graduation
係可以話my friend and I will have a drink after my graduation.

2.after my graduating

I'm so surprised you wanted to come. These tickets were pretty expensive. I didn't think you were into these sorts of things.

why use "didn't think you were into "?
成句句子大嘅意思係"我估唔到你會想黎, D票幾貴下, 我真係好驚喜。我冇諗過你會對呢方面有興趣。"

至於點解要用"didn't think you were into ",咁係因為句子中指我之前一直唔知你對呢D嘢有興趣,所以就要用past tense "didn't think"。"into"可以解作對...有興趣/着迷,所以you were into就解成你對...有興趣。

2013-06-07 4:40 am
After my graduation ...
After graduating ... (no my)

Below sentence is not properly written.
I'm so surprised you wanted to come. These tickets were pretty expensive. I didn't think you were into these sorts of things.
2013-06-06 9:43 pm
graduation 係一個名詞, 指「畢業」呢一件事/「畢業典禮」
graduating 係一個動名詞(gerund), 將graduate呢一個動詞名詞化......意思有少少唔同, 係講畢業呢一個動作, 通常係為左迎合句子裏面只能有一個verb既grammatical rule (sorry, 我唔記得左個agreement既名)而出現。ok, 先解釋名詞同動名詞既分別:

investment: 投資(資產)
investing: 投資呢個動作

I have a lot investment in China.
>>>這個「投資」是指資產/金額, 是可以量化的。

Investing in China is my most stupid decision ever!
>>>指的是「投資」這個動作/行為。把invest in China 既invest 名詞化以切合文法。

而喺graduation/graduating呢個case, 兩者既意思分別不大, 一般來說, 我們都會用noun多於gerund, 因為gerund只指該「動作」, 而graduation這名詞同時可泛指畢業典禮。又例如:

After the graduation, we went to a party with all my friends.
---畢業典禮後, 我們一班朋友去了狂歡。

After graduating from the university, I got a job from a bank.
---畢業後, 我在銀行找到一份工作。
>>這裏是把graduate from the university呢一句既verb, graduate名詞化~

2013-06-06 13:44:25 補充:
當然, 你都可以
After my graduation, I got a job from a bank.

2013-06-11 12:44:50 補充:
補充一點有關"didn't think you were into "的解說......

"I am into you"

曾經有一齣電影/本書, 名為"He's just not that into you"

所以I didn't think you were into...... = I didn't think you like......
簡單來說, 在意思和用法上, 你可以如此理解: be into = like ~

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