Interpret the phrase "pushers who are less bound by civil law than are the police who oppose them"?

2013-06-04 9:32 am
The pushers are unlicensed dealers in illegal drugs. The "pushers who are less bound by civil law than are the police who oppose them" are one of the reasons for drug abuse.
The phrase is not a complete sentence. The pushers are not the police.

Does the phrase imply
1) The pushers are less bound by the civil law than by the police, or
2) The pushers are less bound by the civil law than the police, or
3) Anything else?


回答 (1)

2013-06-04 9:37 am
I think the sentence basically means that drug pushers are more free from civil law issues than the police officers that are actually enforcing the laws. Drug pushers have more freedom because the police officers that are enforcing the law are constantly getting civil law issues thrown at them.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:44:11
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