✔ 最佳答案
1. You are fabulous.
2. You are an amazing worker.
3. You are wonderful.
4. Your beauty is beyond description.
5. You are awesome.
6. Your performance exceeds expectations.
7. You are excellent.
8. I admire your mettle.氣質
9. You do things with prudence.審慎
10. Your comport is delicate. (comport means 舉止).
11. You are a person of erudition.博學
12. Your calibre is multifarious.多方面的
15. You are munificent.寬宏的
16. You have such a jovial personality.愉快的
17. You are capacious.心胸寬大的
18. You handle matters with an aplomb manner.沈著
19. You are veracious.誠實的
20. You possess tremendous amount of decorum.彬彬有禮
21. Your visage is very attractive.外觀
22. Your possess a charm which exhibits indomitable quality.不屈不撓的
23. Your decision is incisive.敏銳的