Present&past partiples(ed&ing)

2013-06-04 2:17 am

回答 (3)

2013-06-04 11:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
"ed" is past tense basically. When you add "ed" to an adjective, it means the event had happened already.
For example, He attended the meeting at 4pm yesteray.

"ing" is a gerund or it can be used to describe events going on currently.
For example, He is performing a CT scan for a patient right now.

2013-06-04 04:15:44 補充:
"ing" can also be used as an adjective. For example, imposing, appealing.
2013-06-05 12:29 am
ed describe how a person feels
ing describe the thing or the person that causes a feeling
eg: I am disappointed with my results.
It was a confusing situation.
參考: me
2013-06-04 5:41 pm
is ,am , are, was, were + ing
past tens +ed

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