朋友給我食精神科藥物, 她是否違法?

2013-06-04 2:13 am
我有個朋友, 她本身睇開精神科,她說我有抑鬱症, 建議我服用她的精神科藥物, 她給了我五盒,係一種抗抑鬱藥

藥名係: (Seroxat) Paroxetine hydrochloride hemihydrate 20mg

從來沒有醫生開過這種藥給我食, 但她卻給我, 而我也食左, 後來我感到不適。
我想問下, 在未經醫生批准下,她建議我服用她的精神科藥物,經佢勸喻後我都食左,咁她有沒有違反法律? 我有沒有違反法律?


回答 (3)

2013-06-04 12:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Normally the prescription should not be transferred to another patient without consulting the doctor first. I am not sure that if it is a law violation. In the United States, the FDA and the pharmacies state very clearly that the medication cannot be transferred to another patient.

Your best bet is to consult with a certified psychiatrist as everybody's condition is different. Although some symptoms might be similar, yet each individual's physical and mental condition can vary a lot. Without the doctor's advice, it's not a wise move to take medication of another person.
2013-06-14 2:27 am


2013-06-13 18:27:36 補充:

2013-06-04 2:29 am
you can ask the doctor.

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