
2013-06-03 10:02 am
It appears there has been a mistake~這句子語法上應該沒有錯誤〜(因為我從字典看到)

但之前英文老師曾說過要check一句句子文法上有無錯誤〜首先就要check下有無存在兩個或以上的動詞(除非係有conjunction 或者句子用了gerund 等)〜

Q1)但上述句子出現了兩個動詞〜有人話最正確的寫法係it appears that there has been a mistake~咁如果無左個"that"又啱唔啱?

Q2)如果無左個that都可以接受〜假如套用在其他動詞手上~e.g I understand (that) you will be moving here soon~又可以嗎?

回答 (2)

2013-06-03 10:35 am
✔ 最佳答案

Q1: 啱
Q2: 可以

如果你想說清楚一些就加 that,但加了 that 的話,句子讀起會很類聚,故有時會不加 that,所以,一般你見到兩個 verbs 很大可能是前面有個 that,但只是省略了而已。

即使缺了 that,意思跟有 that 也沒有分別。用 that 與否所以是看你想怎樣。


2013-06-03 02:40:30 補充:
Q1. 用 that 是最安全清楚的寫法(解釋如上),所以它某方面來說也可說是最正確的。
Q2. that 後面是用 SVO 句,所以 as long as 那是 SVO,你套用在其他動詞也是對的。
參考: 自己
2013-06-04 4:33 am
Actually, the sentence isn't quite right even you had copied it from the dictionary.

The sentence should be written as

It appears that there has been a mistake.

Henceforth, the "that" could be deemed as being a conjunction.

Further, appears could be a transitive verb , meaning, it could take on a object.

Example: It appears to the dog that there has been a mistake (grammatically correct, but logically, may not) Nonthelss, the word "that" is still being used as a

Hope this helps.

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