Hooked up, how long should I wait to contact him?

2013-06-02 9:14 pm
Last night I met this guy and neither of us had our phones so he just put my number in my friends phone. I didn't plan on it but later on we hooked up. I really like his vibe and attitude and want to get to know him more. How long should I wait before texting him?

回答 (2)

2013-06-02 9:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Text him the next day after you hooked up but dont like stalk him just a cute flirty thing like, "Hey I had fun last night and I would like to get to know you better, do you want to go out to lunch sometime?"
2013-06-03 4:15 am
either today or you can wait another day then go for it. you dont want to wait too long, otherwise he'll think you lost interest. just send him a simple conversation stater such as "hey how did the rest of your night go?"

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