eng make sentences

2013-06-03 7:45 am
can you make several sentences using "when" or "after" or "before" or "while" or "during" ?

回答 (4)

2013-06-04 12:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. after
i) I will have dinner after 7:30pm.
ii) I usually watch TV after doing homework.

2. before
i) My mom will come back before 6pm.
ii) Before 11pm, I often watch TV.

3. when
i) When I look through the window, I see the children is playing.
ii) When he starts to play the piano, his mom asks him to lend a hand.

4. while
i) The door bell rings while I am watching TV.
ii) While we are playing outside, it rains.

2013-06-03 16:10:22 補充:
如002所說,, 要注意when 和 while的分別。
when 是指某一刻的事情 ,而 while 則是指發生了一段時間的事情。

2013-06-07 17:50:41 補充:
5. during
i) During Christmas, people will have delicious meals and hang out with friends.
ii) We can go out and play during the weather is good.
iii) During Mid-Autumn festival, we will eat moon cakes and play with fluorescence sticks.
參考: 我..希望幫到你=], 002的解答, Me
2013-06-04 11:53 am
When will be the best time for me to come over? I was interviewing a probationer when the fire alarm went off. I will participate in the extra-curricular activities after I finish all of my homework. We had to evacuate the building while I was performing computer maintenance at my desk. He was feeling unwell during the entire training session.
2013-06-03 9:31 am

When the movie started, I was queuing to buy myself some popcorn.
I was queuing to buy myself some popcorn when the movie started.

After I bought myself some popcorn, I rushed to my seat in the theatre.
I rushed to my seat in the theatre after I bought myself some popcorn.

Before the movie ended, I managed to get to my seat.
I managed to get to my seat before the movie ended.

While I was watching the movie, I was eating popcorn. (SVO 句:I was watching the movie)
While watching the movie, I was eating popcorn.(phrase:watching the movie)
I was eating popcorn while I was watching the movie.
I was eating popcorn while watching the movie.

During the whole movie, I enjoyed much
I enjoyed much during the whole movie.


when 是指某一刻的事情 (the movie started),而 while 則是指發生了一段時間的事情(watching the movie)。

while 後面可以是 SVO 句 或 phrase, 但 during 後面一定是 phrase 而非 SVO 句。


2013-06-03 01:33:11 補充:
可以把 **when/after/before/while/during** 放在前面或後面,如上所示,看你喜歡哪個。
參考: 自己
2013-06-03 9:13 am
I was doing homework when Tom called me.

After the examination, I hang out with my friends.

I finished my homework before six o'clock.

I was playing computer games while mum was cooking dinner.

hope can help u :)
參考: myself

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