白田天主教小學好唔好? 大約band 幾? Thanks !

2013-06-03 12:38 am
唔該, 十分急的, 謝!

回答 (2)

2013-06-06 2:39 am
I am one of the alumnus of this school, graduated in 2004-2005~
I 've been studying in an international school since graduated from this school. My interest of learning english and chinese were affected by this small tiny school.
It provided me a wide viriety of chance to try my best in all different aspects like sports, music, social service, and social concerns. To me, banding is not worth to deliberate on which is just a very insignificant problem as banding doesn't reflect how excellent or bad the school is. The most important thing that you do have to think about is whether the school can support and provide a comprehensive development to a children who has got many talent and creative thinking.
I enjoyed my happy school life as it was really impressive and that was what a children always need. It is located in a very fabulous estate far away from the city din. You can concentrate on your studying while most of the students are very intiative to learn. When you come across any difficulties, the teachers will tackle the probles with you interactively so as to give an impetus to the children' creative thinking efficiently.
I promise that you would like that school once you know more about it.

2013-06-05 18:41:59 補充:
2013-06-04 1:23 am
我何文達是赤柱八間屋原居民, 現在正申請我在赤柱大街的祖屋成為香港法定古蹟. 妳要知道英國在販毒戰爭中用武力侵佔香港, 搶走許多香港人財物.當時侵華英軍大部分都是基督徒. 所以妳未到18歲思想未成熟時不要入讀白田天主教小學, 因為過早被迫偏信某神對妳的心智發展有不利的影響. 最好入讀無宗教信仰的學校,如 旅港開平商會學校 就係最好最可靠的小學了,起碼不會迫妳上耶穌堂,浪費妳的時間

我以香港原居民身份認為猶太教,基督教和天主教是邪教 ^^

2013-06-03 17:24:02 補充:
前神父雞姦觀塘聖約瑟英文中學男學生案索償 開審前始達協議

(太陽報) 前神父劉嘉兒淫辱十五歲男信徒,受害人年前入稟向劉嘉兒及天主教耶穌會的民事索償,涉款逾一千萬元,案件歷經長達四年之排期覆核,原定昨日在高等法院開審之際,卻有戲劇性發展,與訟雙方於庭外商談三小時後達成和解協議。法官形容本案在最後階段才和解實屬不幸,如一早和解可免為受害人帶來慘痛回憶,法官並下令天主教耶穌會需支付堂費予受害人。至於原定是被告一方證人的天主教耶穌會陳日君樞機,則因和解而得避免出庭作供......

2013-06-03 17:24:23 補充:
牧 師 非 禮 弱 智 女 囚 21 月

( 星 島 日 報 報 道 ) 信義會牧 師 相 識 年 輕 弱 智 女 子 , 兩 年 間 陷 入 情 慾 陷 阱 , 跟 對 方 赤 裸 愛 撫 約 二 十 次 , 後 更 因 對 方 未 代 買 安 全 套 , 竟 在 教 會 百 般 折 辱 , 擰 手 咬 背 鞭 打 、 逼 赤 裸 上 身 上 下 跳 動 。 裁 判 官 指 牧 師 以 虐 打 方 式 逼 使 弱 智 女 子 就 範 , 絕 非 一 般 非 禮 案 可 比,是他所見最差的其中一宗非禮案。重判信義會牧師即時入獄二十一個月......

2013-06-03 17:24:40 補充:


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