翻譯中文 - Translate to chinese

2013-06-02 4:36 pm

1/ The previous samples were last two samples were returned 10th March.

2/ As previously requested, we must be given an opportunity to perform FA on
any failed assemblies that ABC Company has found.
These failures may or may not be related to the heat failures contained in
the bare samples we’ve been sent so far. Can this be arranged?

回答 (4)

2013-06-03 5:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
1/ The previous samples were last two samples were returned 10th March.
之前的樣板, 最後的兩個在3月10日被送回

2/ As previously requested, we must be given an opportunity to perform FA on any failed assemblies that ABC Company has found.
These failures may or may not be related to the heat failures contained in the bare samples we’ve been sent so far. Can this be arranged?
就像之前的要求, 我們有機會去履行(或執行, 或表演) FA, 在ABC公司發現任何失誤的組合之前。這些失誤可能 是或不是 有關之前提交的基本樣板 發熱的錯誤(問題) , 可否再安排一吓?
2013-06-04 3:16 am
1 /前面的样本,最后两个样本被送回3月10日。

2. 正如先前的要求,我们必须给予机会执行FA
2013-06-02 6:11 pm
1. 前面的樣本,最後兩個樣本被送回3月10日。

2. 以前的要求,我們必須給ABC公司已發現任何失敗的組件執行足總杯的機會。
參考: me
2013-06-02 5:50 pm
1 與前面的示例是最後兩個樣本返回了 3 月 10 日。

2、 作為此前提出的要求,我們必須有足夠機會對執行 FA任何失敗的程式集的 ABC 公司已經發現。這些故障可能或不可能與有關中所載的熱故障光禿的樣本我們被送到目前為止。可這安排嗎?

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