do people still go out on saturday nights at age 24?

2013-06-02 2:52 am
Everybody I know usualy stops going out.. At least the females do..
Do people still go out at this age

Okay and where do they go?


well I've never been to a party.. That's the problem Only one my sister had at our house and they robbed us.

回答 (7)

2013-06-02 2:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
yes hons hell yes at 25 i still do hons gay bars hot cute hung guys hons
2013-06-02 2:18 pm
I like your question.
2013-06-02 9:57 am
2013-06-02 9:56 am
Ever been to your local bar or restaurant that serves liquor by the drink? Standing room only! It ain't the old fogies in there!!!
2013-06-02 9:55 am
Yeah, we'll some people do, I still like to party from time to time but all my buddies feel " to grown up" for that sorta thing. 24 is a crucial age, your bit 20 anymore but your still far from 30. I think it's fine to still want to party at that age, your still really young but not every night like when your 20-21.
參考: ME
2013-06-02 9:55 am
If they are not taken of course they still do.
work at an office and omg even though that hey are married they still find a ay to sneak out lol
2013-06-02 9:53 am

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