請幫我張這篇英文變做中文! 急 見工用

2013-06-02 4:35 am
請幫我張這篇英文變做中文! 急 見工用

我了解自己的優點和不足之處, 所以我也積極地去改善
我清楚知道自己想做的工作的要求, 我也有努力地達到...
我知道這份工作好多時會用到英文, 但是我自己的英文不夠好, 所以我報讀了很多課程進修
雖然同其他人比起我的學歷沒有別人咁高, 唔係讀完 u 出離, 但我相信我的工作經驗和我正面努力的性格可以彌補到這方面的不足

回答 (5)

2013-06-02 7:07 am
✔ 最佳答案

As I realize that I have my strong and weak points then will try with all my might to improve it. Of course, I understand that why I should to do so in order to accomplish a task. Also, I found that there were quite a lot of time to use English and that was my weakness then I enrolled in lots of additional courses to update my English. Though I'm not so outstanding as compared with other graduates from University and yet I believe that the experience in my line of work and the diligent character enabled me to overcome my weakness.
參考: Partly according to The advanced learner's dictionary of current English with Chinese translation published by Hong Kong Oxford Univerisity Press 1975
2013-06-02 6:31 pm
我了解自己的優點和不足之處, 所以我也積極地去改善
我清楚知道自己想做的工作的要求, 我也有努力地達到...
我知道這份工作好多時會用到英文, 但是我自己的英文不夠好, 所以我報讀了很多課程進修
雖然同其他人比起我的學歷沒有別人咁高, 唔係讀完 u 出離, 但我相信我的工作經驗和我正面努力的性格可以彌補到這方面的不足

I understand their own strengths and weaknesses, so I actively seek to improve
I know exactly what you want to work requirements, I also have hard to reach ...
I know a lot of this work will be used in English, but my own English is not good enough, so I enrolled in a lot of training courses
Although compared with others I have no one else gum high qualifications, you agree read out from, but I believe that my work experience and my personality can make positive efforts to this deficiency
參考: me
2013-06-02 12:28 pm
I havea thorough knowledge of my own strengths and weaknesses, thus I will try mybest to improve my weaknesses. I am wellaware of the requirement for the job I desire, and I have devoted my fullefforts in it. I know that this job willrequire a good command of English in every genre. Although my English is not up to par, I have attemptedto emulate it by enrolling in multiple courses. I believe my work experiences and undivided efforts will be able tosupplement any shortcomings despite the fact that my academic background is notthat strong.
2013-06-02 6:23 am
I realize my strongpoints and weak points, thus I manage to make improvements actively. I comprehend the requirementsof the job that I applied, so I worked strenuously to achieve the qualifications.I understand thatEnglish is frequently in need to perform the duties. As my own English is notgood enough; I therefore, had enrolled manytraining courses to make improvements. Despite the fact that I am not auniversity graduate, other applicants’ academic qualifications may bebetter; but I believe that my enrichedworking experience and positive personality are able to atone for the academicqualification deficiency.

參考: Self
2013-06-02 4:48 am
我了解自己的優點和不足之處, 所以我也積極地去改善
I know my strengths and weaknesses, so I have actively to improve.
我清楚知道自己想做的工作的要求, 我也有努力地達到...
I know that their own want to do the work, I also have efforts to achieve
I know that the good work often used to English,
but my own the English not good enough,
so I joined the curriculum learning
Although others of academic qualifications are better than I,
唔係讀完 u 出離
I left U before I finished the whole course,
I believe that my work experiences
and my positive efforts can be bridged the character of this deficiency

參考: Me

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