
2013-06-02 2:42 am

I would like to ask the question which is attached a picture in the above, is it BD equal to DC? Of because you answer me the answer yes and not equal.

回答 (4)

2013-06-02 8:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
要表達「我好想問上面那個附上圖片的問題,BD是不是相等於DC?只因為你答我 '是' 又答 '不相等’ 。」,寫"I would like to ask the question which is attached a picture in the above, is it BD equal to DC? Of because you answer me the answer yes and not equal." 用詞和文法上都有錯。
可改為"I would like to ask the question which is attached a picture above : Is BD equal to DC? It is because you answered me both 'yes' and 'not equal'."

我自己會寫:I would like to ask again if BD is equal to DC in the above pictured question as you have answered me both 'yes' and 'not equal.
2013-06-02 3:26 pm
我好想問上面那個副上圖片的問題,BD是不是相等於DC?只因為你答我 '是' 又 '不相等’ 。
2013-06-02 12:17 pm
I would like to ask aquestion with regards to the picture I attached above. Is BD equivalent to DC? Your answer can be yes yet they are notequivalent.
Mistakes in your sentence:
1. the part of "which is attached a picture in the above" shows that you have problem of organizing the noun and verb in the correct order.
2. The 2nd sentence - there is no need to have "it" within this sentence.
3. Avoid start the sentence by using "Of course." Moreover, your sentence is very ambiguous in the sense that the answer can be yes but not equal. There is a large discrepancy of your answer request - either you ask the audiences to say yes and equal, or say no and not equal. Your sentence definitely confuses the audiences.
2013-06-02 6:26 am
先弄清意思,我猜 which is attached a picture in the above 的意思是「如圖所示」,而 Of because you answer me the answer yes and not equal 是指「答 equal/unequal,並附上原因」吧?

I would like to ask the question which is attached a picture in the above
不說詞不達意,in the above 的 in the 是多餘不需要的。
最簡單寫法: I would like to ask the question illustrated in the picture above

Of because you answer me the answer yes and not equal
本身 grammar 錯。【of because】是甚麼來的?但就算你用【because of】也錯,因為 you answer me the answer yes and not equal 是 SVO 句。再說,應用 or 而非 and,如果用 and 的話,那 the answer 便有矛盾了:怎樣同時 equal 和 not equal?
最簡單寫法:Answer yes or no with reasons

is it BD equal to DC?
it 是多餘不需要的。
最簡單寫法:is BD equal to DC?

故全句盡量不改原文之寫法:I would like to ask the question illustrated in the picture above, ''is BD equal to DC?''. Answer yes or no with reasons.

''is BD equal to DC?'' 在這作為一個 special noun,以 relative clause 形式修飾 the question。


2013-06-01 22:29:36 補充:
或 I would like to ask the question illustrated in the picture above[:] is BD equal to DC?Answer yes or no with reasons. 亦可。

在這 is BD equal to DC 不是作為 special noun 而是一般的問句。
參考: 自己

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