
2013-06-02 6:37 am


小的英文不好 在此求各位英文高手翻譯




回答 (4)

2013-06-02 8:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Toescape from the bombings during the war, four siblings left London and went tolive with an eccentric professor in the countryside. There, they entered themysterious Kingdom of Narnia through a magical wardrobe. Originally the home ofnumerous mythical creatures like talking beasts, dwarfs, fauns, centaurs andgiants, the peaceful Narnia was turned into an ever frozen world under thecurse of the White Witch. Under the lead of Aslan, the great King of the Beasts,the four human siblings started a battle against the malicious White Witch, brokethe curse and saved the Kingdom of Narnia, bringing back Narnia the springlasting for whole year that was yet to come.

2013-06-02 00:57:47 補充:
To escape ... to live ... the mysterious ... of numerous ... and giants ... the curse ... broke the ... spring lasting
2013-06-03 6:15 pm
Along with four brothers and sisters to the eccentric Professor's House in the suburbs of London asylum, with one foot out of the magical wardrobe into the mystical land of Narnia. Originally peaceful tranquil Kingdom of Narnia, inhabited by many Mythological creature appears, talking beasts, dwarfs, humans and sheep, men also have giant; but it was under the evil White Witch and curse, forever frozen in ice in the world. Four human children will be in a great and noble King of beasts: led by Aslan started a war with the evil White Witch, break the ice spell, save Narnia, recovery all seasons Lucky Star Chinese Restaurant in the world.
2013-06-02 7:31 am
人羊應該不是翻成Human Sheep...原作小說是寫成Faun


2013-06-01 23:34:24 補充:

2013-06-02 6:45 am
With four eccentric professor from London to the suburbs refuge siblings at home, along with one foot from the magical wardrobe into the mysterious kingdom of Narnia. Quiet and peaceful kingdom of Narnia originally inhabited by many mythical creatures appear, talking beasts, dwarfs, human sheep, men and giants; but it was under the evil White Witch Curse, a perpetual ice and snow the frozen world. Four human child will be great and honorable king of the beasts: Aslan led by the evil White Witch and start a war, get rid of ice spells, rescue Narnia and restore the world like spring

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:29:32
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