英文翻譯 對於初次認識的外國朋友

2013-06-01 9:40 am
HI 我叫 JASON 很高興認識你們?
歡迎你們回家後 可以很開心的跟朋友們介紹 台灣的小吃 景點 和台灣人的熱情
下次來台灣玩 別忘記來羅東夜市找我們唷!!
(P.S 離開前 可以辦個歡送派對啦!!)

回答 (4)

2013-06-01 10:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
HI 我叫 JASON 很高興認識你們?
Hi, I'm Jason. Nice to meet you.

歡迎你們回家後 可以很開心的跟朋友們介紹 台灣的小吃 景點 和台灣人的熱情
Hope you would enjoy the snacks, attractions and enthusiasm of people here in Taiwan and introduce them to your family and friends when you return home.

下次來台灣玩 別忘記來羅東夜市找我們唷!!
Remember to come and find us at the Luodong night market next time you visit Taiwan!

(P.S 離開前 可以辦個歡送派對啦!!)
(P.S. We can hold a farewell party for you before you leave.)
參考: 自己
2013-06-03 6:09 pm
HI my name is JASON, nice to meet you?Welcome you home can be a lot of fun with my friends and introduce Taiwan snack spots, and Taiwan people's enthusiasmNext to Taiwan, don't forget to Luodong us forever!!(P.S can having a farewell party before leaving it!!)
2013-06-02 7:51 am
HI My name JASON Nice to meet you
Welcome to your home can be very happy with my friends about Taiwan and Taiwanese snacks attractions passion
Do not forget to come to Taiwan to play next to Luodong Night Market to find us yo!!
(P.S before leaving a farewell party can do it!!)
參考: 我
2013-06-01 10:51 am
Hi, my name is Jason, it was nice meeting you.

It will be wonderful if you share your experience and introduce some features of Taiwan to your friends, such as Taiwanese snacks, the tourist attractions, and how passionate and friendly Taiwanese people are!
Next time you come to Taiwan, please don't forget to visit us in Luo Dong night market!

P.S. Let's have a farewell party before you leave!
參考: 我自己翻的

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