I fingered my girlfriend there was blood...?

2013-06-01 3:07 am
I fingered my girlfriend for the first time and when I was done, I noticed a little bit of blood on my finger. What was the reason for this? The blood was like brownish red. She is not on her period or anything like that, could it be because it was the first time or because I was going to fast?

回答 (4)

2013-06-01 3:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
It was probably her first time, and you probably tore her hymen, which is the stretchy, fleshy ring of mucus membrane around the outside of the entrance to her vagina. In other words, you probably "popped her cherry"
If she was in pain after that, then going too fast probably cause a lot of friction.
2013-06-01 10:08 am
Probably the first time.
2013-06-01 11:07 am
You could have cut her.
My bf fingered me and his nail cut me. There was blood, a lot though.
2013-06-01 10:17 am
This question shows you don't know anything and probably shouldn't have done ANYTHING. It's because you broke her hymen. Blood comes out the first time. She isn't going to die or anything. It's normal. God, I'm 13 and I know this.

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