Why are some people horrible when you ask for help?

2013-05-31 9:05 pm
Why is it that sometimes if you genuinely need help with something, you go onto a website (not Yahoo Answers) to ask for help, only to get insulted and made to feel stupid? What is the point in having places where people can help you if they are just going to insult you and make you feel stupid?

回答 (6)

2013-05-31 9:08 pm
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Totally agree !! But in fact I think they are the one who is stupid because they can't answer your question !!
2013-06-01 4:09 am
Some people are just trolls who have nothing better to do than sit at a computer and try and get a reaction from people on the internet. It's really horrible, pointless and stupid. There are some good people out there. The best saying is "do not feed the trolls". Maybe one day people will realise that cowering behind your screen to mouth off at people isn't a particularly good use of time and that people who genuinely need help should be able to seek and get it without fear of being ridiculed.
2013-06-01 8:49 pm
probably because they having a cr@p day and need to take it out on someone. so don't let it bother you, you silly sausage ;)
2013-06-01 4:20 am
They are called trolls. They are mostly really timid people in real life. This makes them feel imferior so they sit at home insulting people in the safety of their own homes.
I think that they believe that it somehow compensaes for theit own cowardly inadequacies. In reality it only feeds their guilt even more.
2013-06-01 4:07 am
It's because there are people sat behind their computer screen insulting everyone taking revenge on society for their past experiences if they got bullied or picked on maybe
2013-06-01 4:06 am
People do it because nobody will find out who you are. So they can do anything without the fear of being caught.

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