Is it bad to eat chicken everyday?

2013-05-31 7:04 pm
Would something happen or is it ok? Thanks

回答 (12)

2013-06-01 8:52 am
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Its okay to eat chicken everyday if you grill it but if it's fried chicken no that's not healthy. And are you eating vegetables with chicken? Put something healthy with chicken and make sure you trim all the fat off.
2013-05-31 7:06 pm
yes if it's grilled or broiled just not fried everyday. Once in a while would be fine tho.
2013-05-31 7:48 pm
It is best to eat a mixed varied diet. So long as you are eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, chicken everyday is not too bad.

Fried chicken is not good for you as it has a lot of salt and fat.
2013-06-01 4:11 pm
It's bad for the chickens ;)
2013-05-31 7:44 pm
Absolutely no problem !! Unless you only eat chicken not with any other vegetables :)
2013-05-31 11:34 pm
Not at all in fact it is really really helpful and healthy but try other meats too because it is bad if you use it everyday after a long period of time
2013-06-04 10:37 am
Not if you don't eat the skin of the chicken.
2013-06-01 1:53 pm
It isn't BAD, bad, but you are missing out on nutrients that are in other forms of proteins. Mix it up a bit.
2013-05-31 7:07 pm
The only thing likely to happen is you would end up getting really bored with eating chicken and never want to eat it again. lol
2013-05-31 7:08 pm
no.chicken has a lot of protein.i mostly eat chicken.
nothing will happen by eating chicken a lot.but try to not eat a lot of carrots.

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