Maths M2 Disc method (13)

2013-06-01 3:02 am
If the region bounded by the curve x = 0.5 e^y, the line y = 7, the positive x-axis and the positive y-axis is revolved about the x-axis, find the volume of the solid of revolution by the disc method.

回答 (1)

2013-06-01 3:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
x = 0.5e^y, y = ln(2x)
When y = 0, x = 0.5
When y = 7, x = 0.5e^7

Required volume
=∫(0, 0.5e^7) π*7^2 dx - ∫(0.5, 0.5e^7) π[y^2] dx
=π*49*0.5e^7 - π∫(0.5, 0.5e^7) ln(2x)^2 dx
=24.5e^7π - π[xln(2x)^2](0.5, 0.5e^7) + π∫(0.5, 0.5e^7) x d(ln(2x)^2)
=24.5e^7π - π[0.5e^7*7^2] + π∫(0.5, 0.5e^7) 2xln(2x)/x dx
=π∫(0.5, 0.5e^7) 2ln(2x) dx
=π[2xln(2x)](0.5, 0.5e^7) - π∫(0.5, 0.5e^7) 2x d(ln(2x))
=7e^7π - π∫(0.5, 0.5e^7) 2x/x dx
=7e^7π - 2π*(0.5e^7-0.5)

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 22:09:18
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