很難的數學題,求解答 !

2013-05-31 12:08 pm
If x units are "meters", y units are "pounds" and f units are "dollars" then the units for the following are:

1. dy : _________

2. df : _________

3. δf/δy : _________

4. δ^2f/δx^2 : __________

回答 (1)

2013-05-31 3:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. dy means change in y, unit is same as y = pounds.
2. df = change in f = dollars
3. δf/δy means change in f per change in y = dollars per pound.
4. δ^2f/δx^2 means ( change in f per change in x) per change in x = dollars per meter per meter or dollars per meter^2.

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