
2013-05-31 11:54 pm
我在看港劇XXX時才認識她的 這部港劇小時有看過 那時還對她不熟 最近又看了一遍!! 她在戲中扮演驅魔師 而我最喜歡她在這齣戲裡所扮演的腳色 不但活潑 可愛 而且口口聲聲都是錢 很酷!!

回答 (4)

2013-06-01 8:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
I first heard of her while watching a Hong Kong TV drama called XXX. I watched it once when I was small, but somehow at that time, I was not familiar with her. Recently, I watch the drama over again, in which she was portraying as an exorcist, my favourite character in it. She, as an energetic cute exorcist girl who always talked about money, was so cool in the drama!
參考: 自己
2013-06-03 4:51 pm
I just met her in Hong Kong XXX the Hong Kong hours have seen was not familiar to her, most recently read it again!! She plays an Exorcist in the play, and I like her best in the play, the play is money not only lovely but keeps the foot cool!!
2013-06-01 7:44 am
I think it should be "Hong Kong TV Series".
2013-06-01 12:28 am
I know her from watching a Hong Kong movie called XXX. I saw this movie when
I was young. I wasn't familiar with her then. Recently I watched it again! She plays
and exorcist in the movie, and my favorite is her character in this movie. She's
not only lively and adorable, and all she talks about is money. It's really cool!

2013-05-31 17:04:03 補充:
She plays AN exorcist
參考: Myself

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