
2013-05-30 10:32 pm
首先, 大家要知道.Using smartphone or Tablet PC can cause sight to worsen, and even lead to cataract. In other words, it can lead to ablepsia (loss of sight).*所以我建議你們放一個俄羅斯方塊在包包裡面(隨身攜帶一個俄羅斯方塊),隨時想如何破解,這個方法.可以取代隨時都想玩手機的壞習慣,而且破解完了,還有很多種進階版可以玩!


至於不尊重他人的行為以及沒有責任感的部份.大家可以試著去探討”為何我總是惹人厭.交不到男朋友或女朋友.” 有男女朋友的人是”為何你總是覺得對方不夠愛你.或是三不五時就會吵架?”*原因都在於你的行為跟心態根本就無法令人欣賞! (其實你只要把煙帝收到自己的包包裡. 回了家再和另一半親熱. 不要罵髒話.改罵好話. 遲到不如請假. 作幣不如缺考. 勤勞積極點. 你就能讓戀情變得越來越甜密. 如此簡單)


回答 (2)

2013-05-31 8:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is never difficult for university students to get rid of these bad habits.

First, it must be noted that using smartphone or Tablet PC can cause sight to worsen, and even lead to cataract. In other words, it can lead to ablepsia (loss of sight). Therefore, I suggest you have a piece of Tetris inside your bag (a portable one) for you to think about its solution whenever you feel like playing mobile games, which can eliminate your addiction to mobile games. Moreover, once you have come up with the solution of the Tetris in your bag, there are always some more advanced versions of Tetris available.

Second, do you find that you have a bad temper, poor digestion, a weak immune system, allergies and an abnormal menstruation cycle? Or have you realized that your pimples are due to your internal imbalances? These symptoms all indeed arise from poor eating habits and staying up overnight, which heavily burdens the liver, the lungs and the kidneys. Over time, it may lead to various cancers and diseases. So I advise you remind each other to go to bed no later than 11 p.m. every day. Also, have at least eight hours of sleep every time. Eat your breakfast, lunch and dinner on time and make sure that you are full after every meal, so that you would not feel hungry in the midnight and want a late night snack.

Everyone should be clear about the harm of smoking. See this picture. If you do not want to look like this, then simply quit smoking now. You may try holding a chocolate stick in your mouth to substitute smoking, or call our hotline. Always remember that your determination is the key to get over your addiction to smoking.

As for the behaviour not respecting the others and the lack of responsibility, please try to ask yourself ‘’why the others hate me’’ and ‘’why cannot I get a boyfriend or girlfriend’’. If you are already dating, ask yourself ‘’why you always feel that your partner does not love you deep enough’’ and ‘’why you often quarrel with your partner’’.

2013-05-31 00:28:43 補充:
All the reasons actually lie in your behaviour and mindset not worth appreciating! (In fact, things like putting the burnt cigarette in your bag, kissing your partner until you get home, not being foul-mouthed, taking leave instead of being late, being absent from an exam instead of cheating, and be

2013-05-31 00:29:04 補充:
ing more hard working can make your relationship closer. It is so simple and easy!)

Reflect on your bad habits and get rid of them early. It could not only make our environment cleaner and better, it also makes you more competitive and your relationship a closer one.

University is only the start

2013-05-31 00:29:34 補充:
of your life. Eliminating your bad habits can change your life and lead you to success.
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