
2013-05-31 4:40 am
(一) 我相信無論在哪工作,我的父母一定會支持我,他們時常也會給我不同的建議,

(二) 我知道在通訊科技市場上,通訊設備進步相當的快,意味著資訊方面或自己通訊領域上,必須不斷增進,否則可能在這領域上將被淘汰。

麻煩請大大 幫小弟翻譯成英文 謝謝

回答 (4)

2013-05-31 8:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
I believe that my parents would always support me wherever I work. They often give me different advice for my guidance.

(二) 我知道在通訊科技市場上,通訊設備進步相當的快,意味著資訊方面或自己通訊領域上,必須不斷增進,否則可能在這領域上將被淘汰。
I know that in the communication technology industry, the equipment advances at a very high speed. This implies that I may be driven out from the market unless I continuously upgrade myself in the knowledge of information and communication technologies.


In my daily life, I often go cycling and sightseeing with my family. I would sometimes have a walk in the park and do some exercises there too. Apart from these, I would sing Karaoke and visit the night markets with my friends. At the same time, I have kept exercising to keep myself fit and healthy. I have also tried keeping my mind clear so that I could learn efficiently to stay competitive.

參考: 自己
2013-05-31 7:03 pm
(A) I believe that no matter where you work, my parents will support me, and they often will give me different advice,To guide me.
(B) communication technology on the market, I know, communications equipment had changed very quickly, meaning that information or communications on their own must continue to increase, as it may in this area will be eliminated.
(C) in life, often bicycling with his family, landscapes, also bows to walk and exercise outdoors, in addition toWill also sing nights out with friends, visit the night market. Meanwhile, I will continue to campaign, so they have a healthy body, clear my head, and competitively to awake the brain to learn
2013-05-31 8:04 am
(一) 我相信無論在哪工作,我的父母一定會支持我,他們時常也會給我不同的建議,來指引我。
My parents sometimes provide me their opinions to guide me. However, I do believe that no matter which company I am working for, they will always support me.

(二) 我知道在通訊科技市場上,通訊設備進步相當的快,意味著資訊方面或自己通訊領域上,必須不斷增進,否則可能在這領域上將被淘汰。

(二)I know that in communication technology field, its progress and equipments move and change very fast, which means I must keep improving my knowledge in the aspect, or I may be out-of-date in this field.
2013-05-31 4:47 am
(一)I believe that no matter what job, my parents would support me, they often will give me different suggestions.To guide me.

(二)I know the market in communications technology, communications equipment progress very fast, which means the field of information communication aspect or on their own, we must constantly improve, or it may in this field will be eliminated.

2013-06-03 22:21:32 補充:
(三)In life, sometimes also with his family biking, look at the scenery, outdoors bow yuan will walk, doing exercise, in addition
Will sing the night out with friends, stroll the night market. Meanwhile I will continue to exercise, so that they have a healthy body, a clear mind would rather be compet

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