
2013-05-30 1:57 am

The use of luminol for direct chemiluminescent detection of NO2 was demonstrated to have greater inherent sensitivity than the indirect ozone chemiluminescence detection, with reported detection limits of 30 ppt (Wendel et al. 1983). The luminol detection system uses a gas-liquid reaction leading to light emission with a maximum at approximately 425 nm. This emission, at the maximum sensitivity for most photomultiplier tubes, is responsible for the increased detection sensitivities. The biggest problem with the luminol method for direct measurement of NO2 has been interference from other soluble oxidants, particularly peroxyacyl nitrates (PANs).

回答 (3)

2013-05-30 7:58 pm
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經證明利用發光氨直接作二氧化氮化學發光偵檢比臭氧化學發光法的間接偵測其固有感光度更高,偵測極限紀錄是千分之30 (1983年Wendel等人所發表)。發光氨感測系統是利用可產生波長約425奈米下最大光發射的氣液反應。這種光發射以其大多數光電倍增管的最大感光度理所當然的提高偵測靈敏度。以發光氨直接作二氧化氮化學發光偵檢的最大問題一直在於其他可溶性氧化劑所造成的干擾,特別是過氧化乙醯基硝酸(PANs)。 說明:ppt (parts per thousand):千分之幾reported detection limits:字面”有紀錄的偵測極限”。譯為” 偵測極限紀錄”求通順。
參考: Nightwind
2013-05-30 2:22 am
很榮幸的由我 星奈來為您解答:
問:The use of luminol for direct chemiluminescent detection of NO2 was demonstrated to have greater inherent sensitivity than the indirect ozone chemiluminescence detection, with reported detection limits of 30 ppt (Wendel et al. 1983). The luminol detection system uses a gas-liquid reaction leading to light emission with a maximum at approximately 425 nm. This emission, at the maximum sensitivity for most photomultiplier tubes, is responsible for the increased detection sensitivities. The biggest problem with the luminol method for direct measurement of NO2 has been interference from other soluble oxidants, particularly peroxyacyl nitrates (PANs).
答:展示了直接化學發光檢測的 NO2 魯米諾的使用,有更大的固有敏感性比間接臭氧化學發光法檢測報告的檢測限值的 30 ppt (Wendel et 1983)。魯米諾檢測系統採用領先的光發射與在大約 425 最多到氣液反應毫微米。此排放,在最高的靈敏度為大多數的光電倍增管,負責提高的檢測靈敏度。NO2 直接測量的魯米諾方法最大的問題已從其他可溶性的氧化劑,特別是過氧 基硝酸鹽 的干擾。
2013-05-30 2:00 am
使用魯米諾的二氧化氮的直接化學發光檢測證明有更大的固有的臭氧間接化學發光檢測靈敏度比,與報告的檢出限為30 ppt(溫德爾等人,1983)。魯米諾檢測系統採用了氣 - 液反應,導致發光,可在約425 nm和最多。此排放,在大多數的光電倍增管的最大靈敏度,是負責增加檢測靈敏度。魯米諾二氧化氮直接測量方法最大的問題已經從其他水溶性氧化劑,特別是過氧硝酸鹽(PANS)的干擾。
參考: google翻譯

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