
2013-05-29 8:20 am



回答 (4)

2013-05-29 8:38 am
✔ 最佳答案

You have always talked in nice manner, but today you are talking so rudely. Is it because you are in a bad mood today?

2013-05-29 00:39:11 補充:
talked in [a] nice manner
參考: 自己
2013-05-29 10:23 am
Are you upset about something today?
You used harsh words that you had never used before.
You sounded different from the gentleman I knew.
2013-05-29 10:00 am
Speaking in C++

"What mood" != "What mood are you in today?"
What Mood' isn't a good form of written or spoken English
It's not even a common slang in US
although there is nothing wrong in starting your own Chinglish slang
After all, Singaporean has Singlish

2013-05-29 07:16:44 補充:
If (What mood == What a bad mood!) && (What mood == What a good mood)
Then (What a bad mood!) == (What a good mood)

Who's gonna understand exactly "what mood" means???

I rest my case.
2013-05-29 9:32 am

What mood, dude! Where is your kindness, today?

2013-05-29 05:05:39 補充:
OMG, what a bad mood Mr T is in! I've been CN only a couple of times to develop CNglish.

What happened? lost another fight to Rocky?

2013-05-29 05:07:57 補充:
Oh, by the way. What mood != ...

What mood = " what a bad mood!" or "what a good mood"

I am just not sure what mode will make people rude.

2013-05-29 07:39:11 補充:
Mr. T must be in a C++ mood today. And yes, all cases shall rest in pieces.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:29:29
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