請幫忙將這段中文翻譯成英文 急!!!!

2013-05-30 4:07 am
因作業需要 請幫忙把下列中文翻譯成英文

總是有個人在前方牽著我的手保護著我、當我的依靠是如此幸福的事! 開心的時候,可以有個人一起分享我的喜悅; 難過的時候,總是第一時間有辦法逗我開心,雖然這不是一段轟轟烈烈的愛情,細水長流的感情卻更加刻骨銘心!


回答 (3)

2013-05-30 8:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is definitely my bliss to always have someone ahead holding my hands, protecting me and allowing me to rely on him. When I am happy, he would be there to share my joy; when I am sad, he would be there to make me happy. Although this love is hardly exciting at all, it is so long-lasting that in fact it is more memorable than any kinds of dramatic love.

參考: 自己
2013-05-30 3:57 pm
Always someone in front to hold my hand protect me, when I rely on is such a happy thing! When happy, can someone share me with joy; When sad, always first time find a way to make me laugh, even though it's not a big love, steady feeling even more unforgettable!
2013-05-30 6:57 am
There is always a man hold my hand in his hand and protect me.
It is so pleasure to support by me.
When I am glad, there is a man share my happiness.
When I am sad, there is a man who is able to make me happy.
Although this is not a vigorous love, ever-lasting love is more indelible.

參考: 個人

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