How to remove super glued coin from floor?

2013-05-29 4:38 am
I super glued a dime to my classroom floor(Dont worry about it) Its a tile floor so what can I do to remove this, its at school so I cant bring any tools. Thanks

回答 (3)

2013-05-29 4:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let the dime go Mr. Crabs!!! Seriously though, you wont be able to remove it without a sharp object, tools or chemicals. None of which are probably allowed at your school. The only tool probably at your disposal is a pencil, which is probably no match for the glued dime.

Since you seem desperate for a some solution. I suppose you could try finding an old metallic ruler lying around or a wooden ruler with a metal edge to scrape it off with you shoe. The metallic ruler might last longer and work better though. Of course if you don't have one, your pretty much left with little options as buying any type of rulers is probably more costly then a mere dime your trying to remove.

Good luck though!
2013-05-29 5:53 pm
Nail polish remover will bring it off.
2013-05-29 11:39 am
Get a scraper and scrape it away.

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