
2013-05-28 8:04 pm
題目:At the park
Susan and her grandmother went to the park in the afternoon.The park wasbig and quite.Susan was excited because she could play on the swing.
When Susan was swinging on the swing,之後有個女人和她外祖母談天,談天之後,Susan就不見了,之後找到Susan,原來Susan去玩具店看玩具,之後就跟她外祖母回家了


回答 (2)

2013-05-29 8:15 am
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At the Park
Susan and her grandmother went to the park in the afternoon. The park was big and [quiet]. [And] Susan [felt] excited because she could play on the swing [there]. She rushed to the swing so as to ensure that she could play on it, as the swing there was very popular among the children. Fortunately, there was no one. Susan thus happily sat and swung on the swing.

[While] Susan was swinging on the swing, a woman whom she did not know talked with her grandmother. Her grandmother was so absorbed in the conversation that she did not even notice Susan, who had already got off the swing, left the park and went to the toy shop nearby alone. When the talk was over, her grandmother finally realized that her granddaughter was missing. She nervously walked around the park and asked people whether they had seen her granddaughter. Yet, despite her efforts, she still could not find Susan.

She desperately left the park. And just when she was ready to call Susan’s mother, she spotted Susan watching toys outside the toy shop near the park. She immediately shouted, ‘’Susan! Come back!’’. Susan looked back, ran to her grandmother and apologized. Her grandmother patted her head and told her not to do so again. Susan nodded. And they went home together, holding each other’s hand tightly.

參考: 自己
2013-05-29 1:42 am
One day,Susan and her grandmother went to the park in the afternoon after lunch.The park was big and there was none chidren playing so it was quite.Susan saw a swing in the park and excited because she could play on the swing.Then,her grandmother saw her old primary classmates and talk together happily!Susan was sad because hen grandmother leave her alone but soon she saw a toy shop and go inside to see.When her grandmother's friend gone and wanted to found Susan but she found that she was missing!Her grandmother was frigthened found everywhere.Suddenly,she found Susan in the toy shop.He grandmother felt better after founding Susan and wated her to see all the toy.At last,they went home happily.
如果你要番譯,那就是Susan and her grandmother went to the park in the afternoon.The park wasbig and quite.Susan was excited because she could play on the swing.When Susan was swinging on the swing,a woman talk with her grandmother.But Sisan was missing but soon she saw Susan was in the toy shop and looking at the toy.At last,Susan and grandmother went home.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:29:14
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