poems or song!!!急求(20點)

2013-05-28 5:19 pm
i need poems or songs
a teacher is going to retire after 25 years of service at our school.i want to dedicate a poems or songs to my teacher.
my friend is troubled by problem in her studies.she is worried that she may not able to pass the coming exam.i want to send her a poems or songs to encourage and cheer her up.

回答 (2)

2013-05-29 3:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Topic 1 :-
25 years teaching was hard
Though good results&students are there
Had guessed another yard
Is a step for students to bear.

Topic 2:-
Blessed Mary's coming difficult exam.
Studying through testing air
When she speaks among her final exam.
No.1 may find Her there.
2013-05-29 6:23 pm
a teacher is going to retire after 25 years of service at our school.i want to dedicate a poems or songs to my teacher.
The followings are the Text(歌詞) of an Italian song by the name of O,...meio(Oh, my sun啊,我的太陽):Be-hold the bril-liant sun in its splen-dor----for-got-ten is the storm, the clouds now van-ish, ----The fresh'ning bree-zes heav-y airs will banish----Be-hold the bril-liant sun in all its splen-dor ! A sun I know of that's brighter yet,----This sun my dear-rest 'tis naught but thee---Thy face-----so fair to see, That----shall now my sun,------for ev-er be ! A sun I----shall now my sun, ----for ev--er be !
Numerical Notation:(簡譜) Key(音調子)==G Beat(拍子)==2/4
// 05 43 / 2 1 / 12 31 / 7 6 / 67 12 / 7.6 6 / 67 12 / 6. 5 5 / 5 5 4 3 /
2 1 / 1 2 31 / 7 6 / 6 4 32 / 53 21 / 2 . 3 / 232 1 . / 11 17 //: 5 5 / 57 76 /
4----/ 47 76 / 4 4 / 4 2 3 4 / 5-----/ 5 0 5 / b6-----/ 64 1 b6 / 5 5 / 53 21 / 5----/
5 3 2 . 1 / 1----- / 11 1 7 :// 53 21 / 5 5 / 52 . 3 232 / 1 -----/ 1 0 0 //
Legend: Flat==b; Lower octave==7; Higher octave==1 ; Single underline==5
;Double underline==6
參考: 根據加拿大安大略省士嘉堡市頤康機構屬下頤翠園長者大廈音樂班提供

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