唔見左香港護照(內有美國F-1 VISA)

2013-05-28 11:57 am
[隱藏]唉 唔小心係美國唔見左個passport..
個passport actually已經過左期3個月 已經去中國領事館renew返
新果本又唔知等幾耐先寄到黎 今個9月又要transfer..
而家應該去邊到整返個新visa ar><( 洗唔洗要新學校or舊學校既i-20)?
sigh..好煩>< 求各位大大幫幫忙~謝謝..!!!

回答 (1)

2013-05-29 12:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
You need to apply for a replacement I-94 first, if you have lost that as well.

In term of your replacement visa, you must report your visa lost to the U.S. Consulate Hong Kong first (even you lose it in the U.S.)

Since you are still in-status, there is nothing you can do (USCIS does not issue visa or replace visa. And there is no point extending a status you already have). If you will return to Hong Kong soon, you must make sure that you have your I-20, replacement passport, as well as the police report, so that you can apply for a new one from the Consulate.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 14:50:10
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