幫忙 翻譯英文下 謝謝~

2013-05-29 7:18 am
你好 我是住亞洲 台灣人 是忠實的臉書用戶
近來我帳號 遇到莫名其妙的麻煩
我帳號在在2013年05月25號早上到晚上10點以前這段時間 臉書上的朋友大量消失
不知是被人惡意刪除 或是怎樣 本人還在調查中 在這調查期間 不知可以貴公司
幫忙回溯 本人的臉書好友
(本人在26號有自行加好友 但被系統警告不能加多量好友)
本人 有寫信給台灣代表客服 信箱 感覺 不太理想
不知可以請 Mark Zuckerberg先生 幫忙下謝謝~
小弟 想的起來的好友名單如下

以上名單 在5月25號以前 是本人臉書朋友名單裡頭的朋友
因為臉書 不能多量加友 所以 可以貴公司幫忙下 謝謝~

回答 (4)

2013-05-29 8:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear sir/madam,

I am from Taiwan and a fan of Facebook.

Recently, I have got some troubles with my account. The majority of my friends disappeared from my friend list during the period from May 25, 2013 morning to 10 p.m. that day. I do not know what the reason is. Maybe someone hacked my account. Whatever, I am still investigating it. I would be grateful if you could help me retrieve my friends in my friends list during my investigation. (I tried to add them back on May 26 but the system banned me from doing so for the reason of adding too many friends at one time.)

In fact, I have sent an e-mail regarding this issue to Facebook’s customer service department in Taiwan. Yet, the response I got is unsatisfactory. This makes me wonder if Mr Zuckerberg is the only one who can help me out with this trouble.

Below is my friends list just before May 25:

I really need your help to retrieve my friends because Facebook does not allow adding a mass of friends at one time. Thank you so much for your attention. I am looking forward to hearing from you and resolving this problem as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,
參考: 自己
2013-05-29 9:52 pm
Hello I live in Asia Taiwanese are loyal face book users
Recently, I encountered inexplicable trouble Account
My Account in the May 25, 2013 to 22:00 am before this time a large number of friends on Facebook disappearance
I do not know is how I maliciously deleted or still under investigation at this time of the survey do not know your company can
Help back my face book friends
(I have to add their own in the 26th friends but was not warned Cadogan system volume Friends)
I have written to the Taiwan Representative Customer Service feeling less than ideal
I do not know, Mr. Mark Zuckerberg can ask the help Thank you ~
Brother thought up friends list below
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

The foregoing list in May 25 I used to be inside face book friend Friend List
Because Facebook does not add a lot of friends so you can help lower your company Thank you ~
2013-05-29 9:10 pm
Hi, I live in Asia Taiwan people are loyal Facebook userRecently my account somehow in troubleMy account this time in the morning of May 25, 2013 at 10 o'clock in the evening before mass Facebook friends disappearDid not know was how malicious deleting or still under investigation in the course of this investigation that I do not know your companyHelp to go back to my Facebook friends(I am on the 26th to add friend but system warning cannot add friends)I have sent a letter to Taiwan on behalf of customer mail feel less desirableNo more can you help thanks Mr Mark Zuckerberg ~Little brother buddy list is as follows--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Above list May 25 used to be my Facebook friend list of friendsBecause Facebook does not so much and friends can you help thank you ~
2013-05-29 10:30 am

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