How can I contact/visit my boyfriend in juvenile hall ?

2013-05-28 5:44 am
Vital information:
I am 17, turning 18 in September
My boyfriend recently got arrested and is being charged as an adult
He is 17, turning 18 next may.
Can I possibly visit him in juvenile hall if I try hard enough to make it possible by contacting the right people? Any help on that would be great.
i have letters written out but I have no return address o can put for myself b/c my mother wouldn't approve
-if he is transferred to a prison somewhere on the state, and he may not have the possibility of parole or bail, could I visit him there maybe? Please help me, I would appreciate anyone's help on this matter

回答 (7)

2013-05-28 4:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First go get yourself a post office box that way you can send and receive mail in private, you need to get him to put you on his visitation list and fill out the proper paperwork. I don't know about juvenile hall but I know that in prison he has visitation days to get the proper info you need to contact the facility where he is to find out the correct procedure. He can receive mail and can call you even on a cell phone but you have to set up an account, but your first step is to contact where he is and find out all you can about mail, visitation and phone privileges
2013-05-28 6:27 am
Oh, picked a real winner there.

Here's a hint. You don't go visit him. You take this opportunity to ditch this CRIMINAL LOSER and get away. Have some self-respect.
2013-05-28 8:36 pm
Rules of different jails are different. Consult jail's website for visitation rules (some of those even allow to register for visitation online). Be aware that they all have specific visitation times, and you should notify in advance.
2013-05-28 11:00 am
if he's certified as an adult now,he's not in juvenile detention,he's with the big boys.If he goes to prison,minors cannot go visit in prison without a parent.They love 17 years olds in prison !
2016-03-10 10:21 am
i would agree to let him go but that is ur decision. i mean c'mon do u rlly wanna date a robber. he could get u in trouble from guilty by accosiation. but juvie isn't that bad i new some1 that went. he shouldn't be there long he mihgt get out tomorrow but he will prolly b on house arrest or pins. it isn't nething like jail or prision to the extent of violence but it is scary and he would prolly feel out of his element and it is very boring there.
2013-05-28 5:47 am
Depends on that state. I know in Maryland you have to be 18 if you want to visit someone in jail or even juvenile detention center unless you're with and adult that is 18
2013-05-28 5:46 am
contact the jail as rules vary.

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