Where does fat go after losing weight?

2013-05-28 3:28 am
It's not like it falls ok the floor or anything like that...

回答 (17)

2013-05-28 3:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
ALL these answersare WRONG!
FAT CELLs SHRINK WHEN YOU LOSE WEIGHT, THEY JUST g ET SMALLER, they dont go any where, but when you gain weight back, they increase in size again.
muscle weighs more than fat does. that why lots of times when you start working out, you may look better, your clohtes may even get loser, but your weight may stay the same or you may not lose as much as you think, you are gaining muscle when you work out.
but you will have better body definition too!
2013-05-28 3:30 am
When you eat healthy and start working out the muscle you build eats the fat
2017-03-12 4:23 am
Eat something before heading out, like a few almonds, so you don't arrive at the restaurant famished.
2017-03-09 1:30 pm
Make use of much less sodium with meals
2017-02-03 1:11 pm
require a 30 second split down the middle of the mealtime consider precisely how hungry people however are usually previous to acquiring time for the fish
2016-07-01 11:11 am
Eat in front of a person rather than a screen. It cuts down on mindless eating and forces you to more accountable for each chunk.
2016-02-26 2:35 pm
Check out menus online before heading out so you then have a few healthy options in head.
2016-02-15 7:24 am
If you’re supplementing, the vitamins and minerals most likely to rev in place your metabolic engine are W complex, magnesium, copper, selenium, chromium as well as manganese. But don’t overdo the idea, find foods that are rich sources of each. Nuts and seeds within a small handful are perfect, states that Stephanie Karl, Nutritionalist at the actual Dubai London Clinic.
2016-01-28 3:12 am
Find an alternative stress-reliever. When you’ve had a poor day, don’t reach for the doughnuts – find a new coping mechanism that works for you personally, not against you. Listening in your favourite album, looking at family members pics on Facebook, or just getting from home for a walk will help you to focus on the positives.
2013-05-28 3:31 am
It's burned and released in the form of heat

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