Why isn't my mum sarcastic?

2013-05-27 8:21 pm

This is my mum's natal chart - she was born around 6am - we are not entirely sure of the minute.
She is a Virgo sun, with apparently a Virgo Moon and Ascendant. She isn't at all sarcastic - she has a more jolly, even eccentric, sense of humour and mannerisms, perhaps like that of Sagittarius.
I would expect one with such a combo to be as sarcastic as humanly possible, but is this primarily down to her Mercury in Libra?

回答 (2)

2013-05-27 11:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
She has a very strong 1st house and so people will have trouble not noticing her; she is her own person with her own identity. Mars in the 4th can come alive when other people are ready to switch of and she'll most likely be active in her later years, far more than others of her age. She has to watch the square to her Pluto and Moon though; she's probably quite headstrong, to put it mildly and therefore has confidence in herself which can make it easier for her to be her true self I suppose.
2013-05-28 3:35 am
Hey your mom got the same birthday as mine. I understand because September 12 Virgos are awesome.

Check this out :D

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