
2013-05-28 1:19 am
問一:He put the little food that was left into the pocket of his jacket. 可否寫成 He put what little food was left into the pocket of his jacket.?

問二:He put the food that was left into the pocket of his jacket.可否寫成 He put what food was left into the pocket of his jacket.?

回答 (3)

2013-05-28 11:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 不可以
2. 不可以

- 加了what只是一個附加的感嘆詞, 不能代替或取代that分隔和編排子句的作用。硬要這樣寫除了文法不通(例如有兩組(個)動詞在同一句卻兩個不同的subject主詞/體)並且what在句中意思可能變成問語。
2013-05-28 5:16 am
問二:yes, but should be: He put what was left of the food into the pocket of his jacket.
2013-05-28 2:34 am
1. He put the little food that was left into the pocket of his jacket. →
﹍He put what little food was left into the pocket of his jacket.


2. He put the food that was left into the pocket of his jacket. →
﹍He put what food was left into the pocket of his jacket.

參考: me

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:50:03
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