求英文高手幫忙翻譯報告的講稿 20點~~~

2013-05-28 4:38 am

大家好,我今天想跟大家聊聊有關"S"公司開發的遊戲主機"P, 這個系列的遊戲機目前出了三代的家用版主機和兩代的掌上型主機。

這是我目前擁有的主機,這台主機是我最喜歡而且是引以為傲的。 而這些是我擁有的遊戲軟體和一些配備。(這裡是要配合圖片講,麻煩直接翻譯就好,別管內容)




以上就是我報告的內容,包刮"就這樣"三個字,抱歉本人英文真的爛到一個極致,就算是小地方還是怕弄錯,再次提醒,希望大大不要用網路上的翻譯器來翻譯,因為那樣我也會,根本不需要來發問,而且那些翻譯器翻出來的根本不能讀,希望各位英文強大的高手們能幫幫小弟我了!!! 如果還有問題,我可能會透過補充問題或是寄信來發問喔!!

回答 (3)

2013-05-28 8:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi everyone. Today, I want to talk about S’s video game console P. Lately, the P family includes three generations of home consoles and two generations of portable consoles.

This is the console I own currently, and it’s my favourite console I’m highly proud of.

These are my games and accessories for the console.

Next, the fourth generation home console will be ready for sale soon. But regrettably, S has only announced the appearance of the console controller.

Although I want to buy all the consoles of the P family, it would be a huge expense for me.

These are all what I want to share with you today. Thank you.

題外話: 有空的話不妨一起交流一下 VOCALOID/NICO 的心得

2013-05-28 01:19:05 補充:
[Coming up next is] the fourth generation home console [which] will be ready for sale soon.

2013-05-30 00:43:06 補充:
This is the console I own currently, and it’s my favourite console I’m highly proud of.
console 有「遊戲主機」的意思,而這句的意思是「這是我現在擁有的遊戲主機,它亦是我最喜歡,令我非常自豪的遊戲主機。」

2013-05-30 00:51:56 補充:
This is the first rhythm game I played. It is also the one I played longest among games of its kind.

It is a famous game in which players compete on speed. Apart from the computer, players may choose to compete with foreign players from Japan, America, China and so on.

2013-05-30 00:53:26 補充:
Overall, I beat my foreign opponents in seven out of ten matches.

This is the fastest car in the game.
參考: 自己
2013-05-28 9:13 pm
Hello, today I would like to talk to you about about the "s" company of games host "p, this series of three generations of the game is currently out of the home and two generations of handheld hosts.
This is the host I currently have, this host is my favorite and is proud of that. And these are the games I have software and equipment. (This is in line with pictures speak, direct translation would be great trouble, leave me alone)
Next home hosts fourth-generation is coming soon, but unfortunately, the "s" companies currently only published game.
I want to buy the "p" series all hosts, but that to me is a lot of overhead.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:29:57
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