
2013-05-27 5:19 pm
由於我女兒腳扭傷無法走路.所以不便出門去學校, 便在家休息. 5.24故缺席一天, 他會在5.28回學校上課. 若有缺失的WORK請讓她補上, 謝謝.

回答 (2)

2013-05-27 5:51 pm
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My daughter has recently sprained her foot and can hardly walk without help. Therefore, in view of her difficulty in leaving home to go to school everyday, I would like to get her a sick leave on May 24 so that she could get enough rest at home for her recovery. She would go back to school on May 28. Please kindly allow her finish and submit any work she would miss during her absence. Thank you so much for your consideration.
參考: 自己
2013-05-27 7:45 pm
Since my daughter's foot sprain cannot walk. Why go out to schools, will rest at home. Five-twenty fourths is absent one day, he'll be five-twenty eighths back to the school. If there is missing WORK, let her make up, thank you.

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