
2013-05-27 10:45 am









回答 (6)

2013-05-27 11:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have received your email. Below is an update of my travel detail.

I will arrive Tokyo Haneda Airport about 2 pm on 31/5. I don't know how long it would take me to travel from the airport to the hotel.

The number of people has changed to 2.

Except the above, nothing else changes.

Please send me an acknowledgement with the latest booking data after you updated my record.


2013-05-30 02:48:41 補充:
沒有看到你後來的補充。不管是不是蜜月旅行 (Honeymoon stay),祝旅途愉快。
2013-05-28 2:23 am
Hi! I got the ordering room information which you asked me to confirm
and the arriving time and so forth.
I will arrive at Tokyo 羽田 airport at two o'clock in the afternoon on
May 31th. But I am not sure how long it needs to spend from the
airport to hotel inn.
Please change the number of the persons into two persons.
Keep others the same.
Hope you get the material and you can reply back to me.
參考: 自己的想法
2013-05-27 7:45 pm
Hi. I received asking me to confirm some of you booking data, such as arrival time.
I will probably thirty one-fifths arrived in Tokyo's Haneda Airport, but I don't know how much time from the airport to the hotel.
Instead the number 2.
Others have not changed.
Hope you reply received,
Thank you.
2013-05-27 5:39 pm
這是很瞎的確認, 旅館方面最需要知道的是房間數與房型.
2013-05-27 1:44 pm

Re : Reservation + ETA

Confirm receipt of your request. Thank you.

Will meet you 05-31 about 1400 at Tokyo Narita Airport concourse area.
Please amend your record that only two is available, others remain unchanged.
Please re-confirm the soonest the workable. Thank you.

Thanks & regards,

2013-05-27 11:52 am
Dear sir/madam,

I have received your latest e-mail asking for the confirmation of my bookings and arrival time.

I would be arriving Tokyo Narita Airport at around 2 p.m. on May 31. But I am unsure about how long it takes to travel from the airport to your hotel.

And for my booking, please change the number of people to 2.

The other details would remain unchanged.

Please kindly reply me as soon as you receive this e-mail. Thanks a lot!

Best regards,
參考: 自己

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