My dog is a snouzer. He has been sneezing alot the last month. Is there any cure for it?

2013-05-27 7:17 am
My house is very clean along with humidifiers going. It just worries me. I've never heard of any dog having allergies...

回答 (2)

2013-05-27 7:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
What on earth is a snouzer?

And yes, dogs have allergies. They can also get sick. If anything else is going on, get your dog to the vet. Dogs can also be allergic to their food... But I don't think that would make them sneeze... Just itch.
參考: It's a schnauzer
2013-05-27 6:31 pm
Take your Schnauzer (not snouzer) to the vet. This has been going on for a month and it still hasn't occurred to you that a vet visit is needed? What are you waiting for?

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