my dream job(3分鐘短講,中四程度)

2013-05-27 2:27 am
my dream job kindergarten teacher...(3分鐘短講)

回答 (1)

2013-05-27 5:33 pm
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Good morning. Today, I'm going to talk about my dream job – a kindergarten teacher.

I bet you would feel quite surprised when you hear that. In fact, my classmates reacted the same way when I told them about my dream job. And my parents did not even wait me finish my words and interrupted me bluntly, asking if I was joking or not.

I know my dream job is a bit different from the others'. In Hong Kong, the three most desired professions are the medical, legal and banking professions. Many students study very hard in hope of entering universities to study the programmes related to these professions, which can ensure that they would get a well-paid job after they graduate. On the other hand, many Hong Kong students place the education profession in low priority because they think that teaching is simply boring. Yet, to me, it is challenging, which is one of my reasons of wanting to be a kindergarten teacher.

Teaching at kindergarten means you would face a class of young children everyday. Compared to the elder children, the young children are poorer in self-control. Sometimes, they may cry suddenly out of no reasonable reasons. You would then need to comfort the crying child and at the same time keep an eye on other children to ensure that they are not upset by it. Moreover, the young children often have conflicts over toys and snacks. It would then be essential for you to resolve the conflicts smoothly before it becomes worse, which all depends on the situation and your experience. This unpredictable behaviour of the children therefore makes teaching at kindergarten a challenge I am more than happy to accept. Teaching the young children is certainly more exciting than being a banker or lawyer!

In addition, I like to spend time with young children. Although it is very tiring to teach them, they make you feel inspired. Young children can often see something that we grown-ups neglect. For example, they may ask why cats like to catch mice. This is wh

2013-05-27 09:33:40 補充:
at we always assume to be true but we seldom think why. It really prompts you to think out of the box. Also, teaching young children the knowledge they need to deal with everything in their life later is such a meaningful thing that I always feel great whenever I think about it. All these motivate m

2013-05-27 09:35:16 補充:
e to become a kindergarten teacher in future.

Therefore, from now on, I would study hard to ensure I can get into the undergraduate programmes of education and spend more time with my young cousins, for that I can do my dream job in the future – a kindergarten teacher.
參考: 我 (後面請睇意見)

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:29:37
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