
2013-05-26 11:00 pm
我而家中三,考慮大學去英國留學,希望大家比d 意見 :)

1) 我想知如果我考DSE, 英國會唔會認可?我係咪必需考GCE? 如果我淨係用DSE 成積又o 唔ok?

2) 咁我係咪只係要考Ielts, GCE 同HKDSE?

3) GCE 要幾時考,我係咪中四中五同中六都要考,定淨係考一次加

4) 想知A level 同DSE 既分數對照表

5) 我係international student 既身份,係咪都係用UCAS 報?定係要用其他特別方法?

(Extend: 我既夢想係去imperial college london 讀,難唔難加?間大學好唔好?希望可以提供資料:-1)

可以請儘答,thanks :3

回答 (2)

2013-05-27 3:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 我想知如果我考DSE, 英國會唔會認可?我係咪必需考GCE? 如果我淨係用DSE 成積又o 唔ok?

>> 英國既大學係認可dse 既, 如果你既成績係ok 的話, 係唔駛考, 有人去考gce, 係因為覺得佢地dse 會考得唔好, 所以有個backup, 有咩事用gce 去apply.

2) 咁我係咪只係要考Ielts, GCE 同HKDSE?

>> 你either 可以ielts + gce or dse + ielts, 如果你dse 係果d好top 好勁既人, 係冇考gce 既必要.

3) GCE 要幾時考,我係咪中四中五同中六都要考,定淨係考一次加

>> gce 可以係1月同6月考, 有exam board 係10月考, 睇下你係考咩科, 而佢可以分開幾次考既, 唔駛一次過考, 而同時, 一個gce full a level 係要考6份paper (每科), 只要你係2年入面, manage 到考酊6份paper 就可以了.

4) 想知A level 同DSE 既分數對照表

>> 呢舍係hkeaa 上面可以搵到的. 如果唔係, 你可以search gce dse equivalent 就會搵到了.
5) 我係international student 既身份,係咪都係用UCAS 報?定係要用其他特別方法?

>> 係, international 同local 都要用ucas, process 一樣, 需要既info 亦係一樣.

6) 我既夢想係去imperial college london 讀,難唔難加?間大學好唔好?

>> imperial 要求都唔低, typical gce offer 係a*a*a, 而如果係engineering 既話, 係要a*a*a* 既. 而ic 係top 5英國大學, 好competitive 的.

參考: 多年uk留學exp :]
2013-05-27 1:47 am
1. Yes. As a fact, the U.K. is the first country that officially recognize HKDSE.

It does not help even you take GCE (in your case, only HKDSE can be used).

GCE A-level and GCSE is basically similar to HKCEE and HKALE. Without either one, you can't be considered for admission. So even you have a GCE A-Level result, you must also have GCSE result as well.

2. IELTS and HKDSE only.

3. N/A - unless you can do GCSE as well, there is no point taking GCE A-level.

4. See here:


5. Check with the schools. But in most of the case, UCAS will be used.

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