
2013-05-26 9:37 pm
我右腳第二隻腳趾已經腫左三個月啦,,有時太腫腳板都會痛令行都好痛,私家診所,,急症室 趺打 門診 都睇過啦..
個個醫生都話我係發炎 但係消炎藥我都食左三個月啦 隻腳都冇好轉...依家門診轉介左我去排專科..但專科要等好耐...我好擔心..有冇朋友都試過我甘既情況..或者有冇人有好既醫生介紹呀~但唔好甘貴~本人支付唔到....

回答 (3)

2013-05-28 10:49 pm
2013-05-27 11:27 pm
2013-05-27 1:52 am
Without further diagnosis, it is difficult to tell what's wrong with your toe.

However, if you (and your doctor) are comfortable, you can try injecting steroid to the impacted area and see how you respond. In most of the time, the steroid shot should give you a period of temporary relief if your toe is truly inflamed.

For other injuries or issue, your toe will not respond to the steroid and that will give you a hint about the extend of your issue (like ligament tear).

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