一小段英文翻譯 急需拜託~~20點!!(勿用全句翻譯

2013-05-27 2:13 am


回答 (3)

2013-05-27 2:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
I was not the cream of the crop in my school when I was a student, but I had always managed to keep my grades above average. Moreover, I never slacked off while carrying out my duties. No matter I was being with my friends or participating in the group activities of my school, I would always try my best to complete my tasks. This may be why I was highly trusted by my friends. I could also feel that the group activities had exerted a big influence on me.
參考: 自己
2013-05-27 7:52 pm
While I was in school, though not top, but keep the upper middle class, they have to do this in no way sloppy, both usually with their friends, or school groups activities, I'll be doing the best work, finished their own, so the friends trust, can also feel the team for their great.
2013-05-27 6:07 am
When I was learning,I am not to rank among the best(come out on the top) but I always managed to keep my grades above average. Moreover, I never lazy about playing my role. No matter to get along with my friends or join the group activities of my school, I would always try my best to complete my mission. That's why I was highly trusted by my friends. I could also feel that the team cooperation work upon me very much.(have a big influence on me )
參考: myself

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