
2013-05-27 12:01 am
You always so naive to think that you're matter to someone, but the truth is you always find out that you mean nothing to them.



回答 (2)

2013-05-27 12:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You [are] always so naive to think that you [still mean a lot] to someone, but [only to find] the truth [is that] you mean nothing to them.

matter most 是指“最有影響力/最關鍵“的意思,跟“最重要“有些分別哦。

2013-05-28 02:48:18 補充:
改成 matter much 就可以了。

You [are] always so naive to think that you [still matter much] to someone, but [only to find] the truth [is that] you mean nothing to them.
參考: 自己
2013-05-27 12:25 am
Following the Chinese meaning,on error and correction:-
You are so naive (innocent, simple-minded ) as to think that you matter most to someone ;
but the truth is that you mean nothing to them .
---always are (no need here)
---as (needed here)
---always find out (no need here.)

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